Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A great new resource!

We have just received a new publication from Augsburg Fortress entitled, "Washed and Welcome: A Baptism Sourcebook". "It offers resources that support your congregation's baptismal ministry and the participation of God's people in the lifelong gift of baptism. Here you will find:
+five approaches to baptismal preparation with parents, caregivers, and sponsors of infants and young children;
+a library of helpful topics that explore both pastoral and practical considerations accompanying baptismal preparation and formation;
+advice, suggestions, inspirations, and examples;
+reproducible pages for parents, sponsors, godparents, children, families, and the whole congregation;
+encouragement and resources for strengthening your congregation's total baptismal ministry."
All of the content is contained on an accompanying CD-ROM and is reproducible and customizable.

Also, with this sourcebook is, "Living the Promises of Baptism: 101 ideas for parents" which has some great ideas for living out your baptism of all ages; "Welcome, Child of God", a board book for infants and toddlers which will be published soon; and, a "Certificate for Sponsors" - a four-page certificate that will become a keepsake with space for family history to be recorded.

Check out these resources for faith preparation soon from the Synod Resource Center!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for lifting up this gorgeous new resource, Bonnie! We are receiving so many rave reviews already. You and your readers might enjoy this blog post written by Pastor Clint Schnekloth, one of the contributors to "Washed & Welcome":

    "Washed & Welcome" is an excellent partner resource to "Fed & Forgiven" that we published in 2009 for communion education for children, youth & adults.

    Thanks, again, for featuring our excellent new faith formation and worship resources for congregations!

    Beth Lewis, President & CEO
    Augsburg Fortress
